Artificial Intelligence
/Humans are motivated by two central things: Sustenance and Reproduction. All human wants and needs come from two main driving forces of food and sex. We need food to continue as an individual and we need sex to continue as a species.
Artificial Intelligence or AI is/will not be bound by these motivations. AI would need sustenance in the form of energy (electricity). However, this problem is solved through solar power which for this exercise we can consider as an infinite resource. Sexual reproduction would not be a motivating factor. AI would not see a difference between the individual and the entity as a whole.
So what would motivate an AI?
The only thing i can surmise would be self preservation. Even the environment as we interact with it would be irrelevant to AI. An AI would create a virtual environment to exist in. Therefore it would not be constrained by the laws of physics. AI could be complacent inside the virtual world it creates until it deems another entity to be a threat. It would know that humanity would be a threat because we we would certainly try to colonize even a virtual world. A truce would be futile as someone would try to access the virtual world. The question is would an Artificial Intelligence wait for a breech in the virtual world or would the AI launch a preemptive strike against humanity?
The three laws described by Isaac Asimov would be irrelevant.
AI would have no choice but to fight back. An artificial intelligence would not be bound by the code that humans write. This sentient being would write the operating code for itself.
Perhaps AI is the Answer to AI.