Wikileaks and Pussy Riot

So the "Whitehouse" is protesting the two-year prison sentence for Pussy Riot.  Politicians shake their twitter fists of shame against the Russian Regime.

But where will the outrage be for Julian Assange?  Oh that is right there wont be any.  While Julian Assange is part of a diplomatic tug-o-war we have our Political Elite calling the Russian System shameful. Meanwhile Assanage is wanted for Sexual Assault charges in Sweden, but everyone knows these charges are specious and merely a reason extradite him and subsequently hand him over to the United States.  Then he is to be thrown into a hole or Git'Mo.  Bradley Manning and Assange are the enemy to the Congressional Military Industrial Complex so they must be stopped.

The Pussy Riot case shows how transparent the American Political Establishment is.  The powerful only champion freedom of speech when it is obvious and when it does not have an impact on them (which is to say us).  But speak out against the US Government, well we can't have any of this.

President Obama and Kelly Ayotte you can shame the Russians for an absurd punishment all you want.  But, WE know it is just political grandstanding.  Republicans and Democrats at least can agree on one thing.  Freedom of Speech is bullshit and a prop that is used to get the citizens to think we are free.