Edward Snowden
/Edward Snowden as you may (or may not) know leaked information regarding the NSA's secret spying program known as "PRISM". If you want fine details read Glenn Greenwald's columns from The Guardian. What I want to focus on here is the efforts large search engines to dissuade the public from acquire information related to this developing story.
The search engine BING's auto-fill for Edward Snowden does not mention anything like "NSA", "Leaks", or "PRISM".
Google is no better. In fact the first suggestion is "girlfriend". Is this what the people want to know about?
So what is really going on here?
It appears the large tech firms stand just as much to lose from the revelations that our government is spying on US Citizens and people around the world (but you won't here anyone mention that because "who cares, they're not Americans"). The government and the tech firms are attempting to control information.