Feeling the madness on Friday

It’s not the large things that send a mant to the madhouse. Death, he’s ready for, or murder, incest, robbery, fire flood. No, it’s the continuing series of small tragedies that send a man to the madhouse.

Not the death of his love but a shoelace that snaps.
— Charles Bukowski, The Shoelace

Friday evening and we race home. Another weeks worth of work is done and the stack of papers left on the desk stay with your mind through the weekend. The pending problems burrow into your dreams as you seek the sweet refuge of sleep.

Everything speeds up. Faster and faster the days spiral out of control until enough of those tragedies build into a devastating crescendo. 

When will that shoelace break for all of us?

Protests and Right Wingers

Serious question. Do people believe this stuff?  The Wall Street Journal published an editorial in which the final paragraph said Egypt would be lucky to have an Augusto Pinochet.

Egyptians would be lucky if their new ruling generals turn out to be in the mold of Chile’s Augusto Pinochet, who took power amid chaos but hired free-market reformers and midwifed a transition to democracy.
— Wall Street Journal 7/4/13

Augusto Pinochet was a horrible dictator. His government murdered and tortured thousands of people. Read this article from the Washington Post for a summary.  

Those facts are immaterial to the WSJ editorial boards. You know because Pinochet hired "free-market reformers" after the killing of a Marxist Salvador Allende (who was democratically elected).

Jimi Plays The Beatles

I really always thought this was an Urban Legend. Members of The Beatles walk into a club the day after Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released only to hear Jimi Hendrix playing the title track in front of them.


Well here is evidence and proof that sometimes legends are true. 

Here is Paul McCartney reminiscing about Hendrix rockin' out Sgt Pepper.

The legend continues. 

Original source: www.openculture.com




World War Z

I saw World War Z. Here is my review. 

World War Z is a film Roland Emmerich would make if he plagiarized a film by Roland Emmerich that was inspired by Roland Emmerich.

One meme and then exploit it on a grand scale over multiple locations. In World War Z the Tsunami O' Zombies is the meme. Zombies cut through the streets of Philadelphia and they flow over the walls of Israel. To be fair WWZ is certainly not the first zombie flick to use a deluge of the un-dead for "effect". Zombies on a Plane. Where the Fuck is Sam Jackson when you need him?

You think you’ve seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get Real.
— David Lynch