Edward Snowden Leaves Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Government issued a statement regarding Edward Snowden.  The obvious first take is that Edward Snowden has left Hong Kong. The Guardian has reported that Snowden has moved on to Moscow and is possibly on his way to Ecuador or Iceland. An associate of Wikileaks may help Edward Snowden seek asylum in Iceland.

The second important point here is the Hong Kong Government feels there is insufficient evidence/reason for the US Government's request.

Screen Shot 2013-06-23 at 5.46.22 AM.png
If all printers were determined no to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.
— Benjamin Franklin (Apology for Printers, 1731)

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden as you may (or may not) know leaked information regarding the NSA's secret spying program known as "PRISM". If you want fine details read Glenn Greenwald's columns from The Guardian.  What I want to focus on here is the efforts large search engines to dissuade the public from acquire information related to this developing story. 

The search engine BING's auto-fill for Edward Snowden does not mention anything like "NSA", "Leaks", or "PRISM".



Google is no better. In fact the first suggestion is "girlfriend". Is this what the people want to know about? 

So what is really going on here?


It appears the large tech firms stand just as much to lose from the revelations that our government is spying on US Citizens and people around the world (but you won't here anyone mention that because "who cares, they're not Americans").  The government and the tech firms are attempting to control information.


He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.
— George Orwell (1984)

Wikileaks and Pussy Riot

So the "Whitehouse" is protesting the two-year prison sentence for Pussy Riot.  Politicians shake their twitter fists of shame against the Russian Regime.

But where will the outrage be for Julian Assange?  Oh that is right there wont be any.  While Julian Assange is part of a diplomatic tug-o-war we have our Political Elite calling the Russian System shameful. Meanwhile Assanage is wanted for Sexual Assault charges in Sweden, but everyone knows these charges are specious and merely a reason extradite him and subsequently hand him over to the United States.  Then he is to be thrown into a hole or Git'Mo.  Bradley Manning and Assange are the enemy to the Congressional Military Industrial Complex so they must be stopped.

The Pussy Riot case shows how transparent the American Political Establishment is.  The powerful only champion freedom of speech when it is obvious and when it does not have an impact on them (which is to say us).  But speak out against the US Government, well we can't have any of this.

President Obama and Kelly Ayotte you can shame the Russians for an absurd punishment all you want.  But, WE know it is just political grandstanding.  Republicans and Democrats at least can agree on one thing.  Freedom of Speech is bullshit and a prop that is used to get the citizens to think we are free.

love/hate relationship with sports and athletes

Here is a fact.  There are no statistics to back it up but it is just as true as anyone's batting average or who leads the NFL in touchdown passes.  You are a fan.  You do not own athletes and they do not owe anything to you.  I do not care if you are season ticket holder (1st year or 31st season).  I do not care how many jerseys you buy for you or your kids.

It annoys me to hear that so-and-so is the property of this NFL team or that NBA team.  Do you have any clue how offensive that is?  Are you the property of GM/Ford?  How about Wal-Mart? Does your employer own you?  Yeah, thats what I thought.

Fans love their sports but hate their pro-athletes.  The professional athlete is adored in America and hated simultaneously.  We love when they do things for our favorite team.  But then hate them when they leave.  I have news for you rust-belt cities you don't even want to live there.  Why should you expect LeBron James to stay.  Team owners like Dan Gilbert dehumanize their players by writing a smug letter to appease fans with displaced anger about their own lives.

You think you know athletes or even the talking heads on ESPN; just because you see them on TV daily or weekly.  Remember when fans thought more kids should look up to Marvin Harrison?  How did that turn out?

I'd take Chad Johnson/Ochocinco or Randy Moss him any day.  But Moss is referred to as thug because frankly he is funny and entertaining.


In our society athletes are nothing more than gladiators trotted out for our entertainment.  The glory is short lived; they are dehumanized and thrown away.  We feel ok about it because they are paid large sums of money.  All that does is buy us the ability to treat them as less than human.  Because: "what do they care; they are rich".

It would be one thing if fans were principled in how they view athletes when in trouble with the law.  But, fans rationalize certain crimes or players and crucify others.  Fans want to control players because they don't "act a certain way".  You know them boys gotta be kept it line.  It doesn't matter if its professional or major college there is absolutely a racial component in this love hate dynamic.

There was outrage when it was learned that P-Diddy's son earned a football scholarship to UCLA.  Interesting I never heard anyone complain about Andrew Luck's scholarship (his dad is the AD at West Virginia and played/worked in NFL).

It's sports enjoy the best athletes in the world competing.

Don't be mad that you weren't good at anything.

what does the 4th of july mean to me?

We remember the birth of a nation.  The birth of an idea.  The idea a nation could be founded on equality, freedom, and reason.  On July 4, 1776 a bunch of traitors (I mean


) signed the Declaration of Independence.

I know, you think I hate America or I want to fly around the world apologizing for our wars blah blah blah...  No, I don't think "Merica" is a horrible place.  I think that we have been fooling ourselves when it comes to "American Exceptionalism".  We rank

25th in math


22nd in science

; the United States is 

50th in life expectancy

 even though we are the 6th


nation based on GDP per capita.  The backbone of our economy was once the auto industry.  It has made improvements in the last three or four years.  But I should note that my Republican grand parents (who are incredibly conservative) drive a Japanese vehicle and I drive a Korean one.  But at least we are

number 1

at something.

But, yet I feel conflicted when it comes to Patriotism.  I understand owning a sense of pride when thinking about where you come from.  The Olympics start in a couple of weeks and I'll root for the basketball team and our swimmers and the rest of

our team

.  I enjoy watching the track and field events.  Really though, I just want to see excellence.  If someone from the USA wins the 100M by breaking Usain Bolt's World Record that would be AMAZING.  But, yet I feel I am equally a citizen of the United States of America as I am a citizen of the world.  So I would not feel any different if Usain Bolt broke his own record while slowing down for the final steps they way he did in Beijing.

We live in an era where we forget why we celebrate the 4th of July.  I once heard someone I know refer to it as the day with the fireworks and that is all this person knew about Independence Day.  We live in a politically charged climate where each side uses words of the founding fathers to prove their point of view is correct.  I like using quotes just like anyone else.  But does it really matter what some people 236 years ago thought?  We have put these mortals onto a pedestal as though their words are the gospel.  Let us not forget many of the founders of this nation owned slaves.  Think about how grotesque it is, to own another human being.  Listening to the


 we constantly hear about how "the founding fathers are rolling in their graves" ad nauseum etc etc.  If I had one wish I would seriously like to raise the founding fathers from the dead (not zombies or anything scary) and ask them what they really meant regarding the church and the constitution; their thoughts on social security and single payer health care.  We are stuck as a society considering what people that died 200 years ago would think about a topic or question that did not even exist at that time.  It is as though that we attempt to validate our opinions by inferring what Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, or Thomas Paine (T-Paine) would say about an issue.

Freedom has become a punchline when we debate Healthcare, War, and Rhetoric.  Yes, we have reached the point in our society where we have to actually debate rhetoric.  One


can be convicted of terrorism while another is just a


.  It seems that even being patriotic is a political position.  Nationalism, Patriotism, Jingoism... its all for the birds.  Yes, I am a citizen of the United States of America.  But I am also a citizen of the World.

236 years ago a group of [white] men sat around birthed a new nation.  One that was not affiliated with a church (no matter what your Christian friends would like you to believe), a nation that was not controlled by a Monarchy or an Oligarchy.  A nation that outlawed titles of nobility so that all men (and in the future women) could have an opportunity to succeed.  But these ideas, have become myths.  We no longer have a meritocracy.  Sure, we can all point to a few individuals that broke the odds and became successful.  But those people have become the exception to the rule.

We have a society where money equals speech.  Logically, some individuals are born millionaires while others are born poor.  Does that mean the rich have more freedom than my children?  Unfortunately, the answer is yes.  Noble titles are not used but rather we have a class system in which there are the wealthy; those that think they are part of the near wealthy; and the poor.  America has de facto nobility which is cloaked in the aire of opportunity.  Breads and Circuses reign supreme to silence our minds.  It is easy to eat a hamburger and drink a beer today while forgetting that we possess a false hope.  One that makes us believe we are a lucky break away from joining the elite.

So what does the 4th of July mean to me?  We have ruined an ideal of freedom with the perils of money.  The summer holiday equates to sales on mattresses and colorful explosions.  We can think about the soldiers that have lost their lives and limbs fighting for our ______.  We can think about the Revolutionary War.  But, why not think about what you can do for your fellow citizen.  Whether he or she lives in Indiana or India; Arizona or Iraq; Wisconsin or Germany; or anyplace on this planet.  Because America is not a country it is an idea.  It is an idea that has been mangled; it has been kicked around and laughed at but it is not dead.  The idea is not some myth about striking it rich; the idea of America is the ability to think and say what you feel.  The idea of America is no child should be hungry and everyone has a chance to be educated and enlightened.

Possibly one day we can reach that apex of excellence or at least strive for what made us great... whatever that is/was for you.

Zombie Apocalypse

There's something happening here.  What it is aint exactly clear.  So lets take a look at a set of recent events.

July 2009
San Antonio, TX

This story has been discussed as new but actually took place nearly 3 years ago.  In July of 2009 a baby boy just shy of a month of age was dismembered by his mother Otty Sanchez.  The boy's head was severed with brains removed and ate.  Some of the toes were chewed off by Sanchez.  She was found on the couch by police with a gunshot wound to the chest and her throat slashed (self-inflicted injuries).

March 21, 2010
Eureka, CA

Jarrod Wyatt a mixed martial arts fighter allegedly ripped out the still beating heart of his friend and sparring partner Taylor Powell.  Wyatt also removed Powell's tongue and skin while still alive.  It seems like it would be pretty obvious there would be removal of skin with the ripping of a still beating heart from a mans chest, but I'm not a physician.  The heart was also found charred in a wood burning-stove inside the home of the grisly attack.  I dont know which is more shocking; he ripped his friends heart out or the fact he has a wood-burning stove.

May 26, 2012
Miami, FL

Ok Not much is really need to say here.  Rudy Eugene ate a man's face.  Yeah, nearly his whole effing face.  When the police arrived and told him to stop Eugene raised his head and growled with  pieces of flesh in his mouth and continued chewing on this mans face.

I am not posting the after picture but if you click the picture above it takes you to a link...

May 27, 2012
New Jersey

Wayne Carter repeatedly stabbed himself with a 12 inch knife.  As police tried to approach (and presumably stop him) Carter began hurling pieces of skin an intestine.  Yes His OWN INTESTINES!!!  The police said he had them hanging out

May 31, 2012
Baltimore, MD

A Morgan State University student named Alexander Kinyua was arrested for the murder, dismemberment, ingestion of Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie.  Agyei-Kodie had been missing since May 25.  His head was found in a metal canister in Kinyua's living quarters along his with hands.  Kinyua admitted to eating the dead man's heart and brain.

So... who or what is to blame?  Is it something in the water?  No, considering these events took place in Miami, California, New Jersey, Baltimore, and Texas.  Wait video games are to be blamed!!!  That doesn't seem likely either.  I highly doubt video games could drive people to this.  I mean was Rudy Eugene playing Dead Island at the why on Tuesday nights?  No it's not video games or floride in the water.  It's not death metal music or movies.  No there is an even more sinister culprit.  Who You Ask????


Yes. Not Hollywood in the the movies are making our kids monsters way that you may think.  Unfortunately there are two characters that must be stopped.  Both are the beginning of the legion of the Un-Dead.

Nicolas Cage he is so perplexing.  Half of his movies are excellent the other half are unbelievably horrible.  How can one man a film career that is unbelievably Janus in nature.  Why do I say that he is undead (besides his film career) because he is AT LEAST 180 years old.  He may be even older for all we know.  He may actually be the Greek God Janus if he is not an undead creature of the night.  What proof?  How about a Legit picture of Nic Cage from the Civil War (Five-Head and all)

So, who is the mystery sidekick in this War of Terror?

None other than Tom Cruise!

Here is a picture of Tom Cruise in 1989

Now look at this Satan Warrior at the 2012 Academy Awards.

The guy doesn't freaking age.  There is only one option.  Cage and Cruise are Vampires (or something no-one has even thought up yet) that are sending their legion of man-demons to lurk the earth.  These beasts must be stopped.

Masturbation of Our Minds

I was reading some of the good doctor's (thats Dr Gonzo [Hunter S. Thompson] to the uninitiated or square) correspondence letters from Fear and Loathing in America.  Anyone could wax about his sharp style or critiques of America socially, politically, etc.  But, I really began to think about how that period the 1960's and 1970's (up through the early/mid nineties) was the last era of meaningful communication.

The letter is an arcane artform.  It is so slow...  With the time it would take a letter to reach Ben Franklin in Paris and his reply to Washington, D.C. the contents better be important, thought provoking, and forward thinking.  Even email today is to slow and static; and has evolved into Facebook and Twitter which moved email from a (mostly) private conversation to a semi-public forum.  On the surface this sounds revolutionary.  There is a constant flow of data and breaking news stories.  We see what are friends and associates are eating, watching, or doing.  The instant gratification of a response to a blog, tweet, or status update lures us in.  What do people think of my ideas and links to other websites?  Please like this photo of the Grand Canyon... RT


snarky comment


#hashtag basketball music and general bullshit.

We share links from spotify or videos from youtube to show what we are listening to at the moment. Google offers us the option of hanging out with our friends without leaving our home!!!  We meet new people and talk to the ones we knew only to realize we have nothing in common except we went to the same high school  We yearn to connect via common interest with our friends and strangers.  The masses are really searching for validation.  Validation in their thoughts and feelings.  The cows graze the field like the masses consume and regurgitate information, pictures, video, and philosophical musings.  You are oh so original with the memes and tweets during NBA games.  Information moves through our wi-fi connections and from our phones so we are always connected.  In the car, on the train, waiting in line or on the john we are always connected to something.  The speed has increased to the point that substantive arguments and information is put to the side for the trite as we all become micro-blog comedians.

We think that we are searching for the truth when we watch cable news (FoxNews and MSNBC) but really we are not viewing for information, we are seeking affirmation.  Ah Ha President Obama is a secret Muslim that went to a radical Christian Church in Chicago and controls gas prices (when they go up).

All we are left with is a trite stream of talking points and half-cocked jokes.  Twitter is either a great news source and stream of unfettered consciousness or unfiltered bullshit.  I am going with the latter.  And I am not immune to this criticism.  I am a felony offender.  I check my twitter feed all through the day and for what? There are some mildly amusing jokes; people commenting on the NBA playoffs; even breaking news.  But how does me reading about a landslide in Myanmar, a serial killer in New York, or a tiger attacking a tourist in Mumbai (which is surrounded by a jungle full of tigers; bet you didn't know that) really effect my life.  By the way I said tourist because why the hell would anyone care if some poor Indian was mauled by a


.  Even the events in Syria are shocking but, lets get real I am doing anything about it.

Yesterday Ron-Ron-Ron aka Metta World Peace took heat because he didn't know it was Memorial Day.  Evidently, he thought it was Labor Day or something (who cares).  People got on their high-horses about the troops... really, what the hell were you doing yesterday?  huh? Unless you were volunteering at the VA; honoring your grandfather that served by playing cards with his friends at the VFW; or anything at all I dont want to hear it.  My guess is that 90% of the people shaking their iPhones at Metta just grilled chicken, drank some beer, and updated their Facebook status with something about how "Freedom isn't Free" or "Remember our troops".  Sorry to burst your bubble but supporting the troops isn't changing your profile picture to a flag waving in the air.

Maybe we should listen to

Noam Chomsky

and David Lynch